Sure; but it's rare for those changes to be significant enough for it to really matter outside of tournaments. Plus, it gives a baseline to start...
Apparently GW now thinks this is worth advertising. Seriously; they just describe a tome. What about this is really different compared to the...
More freaking SCE; because of course that range needs to immeadiatly be bloated again. They're nice looking models; but seriously, release...
Tjah, GW wants those recurring revenues. And they decided this is the best way to spread out the revenue over the entire cycle.... Terrible for...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] It's been a while since I've had time to paint. But here's an old slann.
Bit of column A, bit of a column B. Also, it probably doesn't help that there simply isn't terribly much to discuss about 4e. A lot of potential...
yeah, graphical lay outs are annoying to redo I get that :p
It might be worth considering landscape for ease of printing. Usually when they sell the flash cards they tend to be in landscape; I dunno if...
O neat. Did you try actually printing the PNG's and seeing if that makes for convenient flashcards? Also, can you change the orientation of the...
I'm pretty sure nearly all the new AoS stuff is larger than the TOW equivalents, especially with the need to rank stuff up & the dynamic poses, so...
Did they reveal any prices yet?
Order in general tends to get trashed in AoS. The only time order gets a "win" is when one order faction (usually some kinda elf) sacks the city...
Honestly, the most confusing thing about them selling out is that you don't really need that many. Especially when considering that plenty of...
Terrible campaigns can still be a financial succes. In between the whales, scalpers, & diehard fans buying up everything regardless of the...
I mean; have you seen how corporations tend to react to negative press on the internet from relativly small, but loud, groups? Even when their...
Mwha, most of 4th is fine-ish. There's even some pretty neat stuff; like the QoL improvements, and it does seem to have smoothed over some of the...
it says I quoted @Kilvakar as far as I can tell. Weird.
Details :p It's an easy scapegoat whenever sales are dissapointing because it's impossible to measure the actual effect. Plus, the grumbling is...
O yes, it'll be impactfull every game. But not every objective. There's going to be plenty of objectives where its just 10 warriors vs 3...
Honestly, the most annoying bit about OC is that it probably won't matter all that much in 9 out of 10 scenarios. But when it does matter, there...