Got the remaining stuff for my list built and primed, and started on the hunters of huanchi![ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
The month is halfway over, but I need to finish building and fully paint 10 hunters of huanchi, a starseer, and a celestant prime.
This is a beautiful paintjob, your use of colors is awesome. Great job!
I always get excited when I see a new post from you! Awesome stuff, super clean and great color choices
Yeah, it's gonna be tight lol. I am taking a 3 day weekend coming up to focus on hobbying, and I have off 3 days before I leave for the event to...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] And the 20 knights are 100% done! This was the biggest hurdle on the road to readiness for Adepticon, so I'm...
Yeah I'm running 20 in my KC list for Adepticon :)
I'm not expecting much other than just having a good time with some friends lol. It'll be my first AoS tournament ever, and my first tabletop...
I'm glad you're back to hobbying! It looks great, I like the color choices. Looking forward to more
Definitely not my favorite project but just did my best to quickly power through them. Got a lot to finish before Adepticon!
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Finished painting the unit and got started on the basing this evening. Everything is in place on the base...
Thanks! I finished them the other day but didn't have time to post pics, I'll be starting on the bases later tonight and will put some up
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Got some more progress, started on the gold. There is a lot of gold on these things, but we're coming down the home...
All of your painting looks awesome, I really like the color scheme and the story behind it as well. Keep going and keep the pics coming!
What kind of flock did you have in mind? I think they look good as is. I'd recommend washing the moss with some agrax, concentrated toward the...
[ATTACH] Riders skin, scales, and underbellies are done! Won't have a lot more time this week, but hoping to get a bit more work done each...
[ATTACH] Cold ones are all done. After a few test models for the riders, I settled on something I liked, so they're underway now!
I love that you recognized the theme, that makes me so happy :joyful: Having painted them I came to like the model a bit more. Still not great,...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Progress so far. The individual cold one is finished other than the eyes, which will just be painted yellow...
That's some good motivation! I'm hoping to get some hobby time in tomorrow, unless I play a game