Thanks a lot!
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Finished the big feathers, the little feathers in the back, the tassle in top of the scepter, and the exposed bone on...
[ATTACH] Started on the feathers over the last 2 nights
Thank you!
If the slann lore had more than 1 spell worth casting, I'd be happy for them to know the whole lore :p
Thank you for the encouragement, just a bit more to go! Goal is to have him done including the basing by the end of the month
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Got kroak mostly base coated. I haven't fully decided on what to do with the faceted gem with the tassel on it. I'd...
Seriously. I always get disappointed when I see bloodbowl releases, meanwhile there's armies with 30 year old sculpts... Maybe I'm way off, but I...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Progress on kroak himself so far. I'm pretty happy with the "skin" if it can be called that haha. I might do a bit more work...
I really like the color of stone you went with for the palanquin and rings surrounding it, it's like a sandstone, not something I've seen before...
That's awesome, thank you! I really like your work as well, super vibrant! I'm looking forward to seeing your kroak!
Thank you! I'm hoping to get started on him by this weekend. Still haven't decided on final colors for his skin and wrappings tho
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Got the gems done on the attendant, painted some occlusion shadows, and attached him to the palanquin. I'll prob need...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Got the NMM gold done between yesterday and today! The attendant is pretty much done other than the couple Gems he...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Didn't get a lot of painting is this week, had a lot going on with work, but managed to get some time in this...
I have a bad feeling that the astrolith looking object is a piece of terrain, which would be super lame but not surprising. Surely we aren't lucky...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Got a decent amount of painting in today, just gotta do the eyes and finish the jade spear...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Back at it with some work on the attendant. Going for the classic "turquoise albino" look for this guy, a fitting...
While I'm excited that we're getting a new Chameleon skink, and hopefully enough to form a unit in AoS, I'm even more worried that the rumor...
Your weathering work continues to impress, the rust streaks and black soot around the vents look great! When you layer that on top of an already...