How do the scaly skin changes interact with slann and saurus guard? Do guard effectively lose scaly skin as well, since the damage the slann would...
Yeah, I picked up the nighthaunt awhile ago and happened to get lucky I suppose! That sounds great, I'm excited to hear more about the saurus...
Thanks a lot for the feedback! I'm on the same page with the skink priest. I know a lot of people consider it auto-include because the value is...
Are saurus warriors really that fragile? 4+ base save is solid and we have access to great magic to ensure mystic shield if we want it, as well as...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] It's been awhile, but I finally finished up the 20 chainrasps. I now have 40 completed and I'm glad to be moving onto...
Hey all, here's a list I came up with exploring Koatl's Claw now that we've seen the new ghb rules as well as the change to Scaly Skin. I think...
Now that we have the rules settled, I'm interested in exploring some KC lists personally. It's nice that we can run saurus warrior and temple...
The Astrolith dropping 10 points could be because Scaly Skin is changing to a 6+ ward save
This is what I was thinking, being damage 1 across their profiles means they probably won't be killing much anyway, at least on paper. If anything...
I like Squigazard personally!
Those are awesome haha! Thanks for sending them my way :D.
This looks awesome, really nice bastiladon shell and I love your basing scheme!
Great work, I love the osl on the back of maul's robe, the pattern on his face is awesome, and the mud splatter on the troopers looks really good!
Thank you! Luckily I have a magnetized transport case, very helpful with all the flowy spectral-ness of the nighthaunt!
@Erta Wanderer got it, our book is just winning events non-stop with so many different lists, subfactions and units that GW is going to completely...
Our 3rd edition book is going to be so bad lol
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Done! I'm really happy with her. She was a model that I was excited to paint but at the same time...
They look really cool, awesome job! Nice technique with the fire as well as the bases
Thank you very much!! I'm excited to finish them and put it all together
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] The lady herself is 100% done! I'm pretty happy with how she turned out, I had been...