Made these and finished the 5 sneak feet I had work in progress. Pictures once their bases dry.
Thank you! On both points!
I like that liche. what's the model?
Built 15 crosswoman for the next paint and take session.
No these came about as a combination of different things. Also, in their lore they are defenders of the dragons, so II tend to think of them like...
Other than that, I have been building models for the next paint and take table: Landsknechts! Made this separate post to reserve text space. I...
The Atlantic Digital team released these today, which may be relevant to everyone's interests. (Posting here because I did the manual updating....
Today I've primed 5 wargames atlantic Sneakfeet conversions. I've also begun the process of building a bronze age chariot.
All hail the master of the flesh-spiral-orb!
We released Hittite infantry on Atlantic Digital today. I'm building a model in Dendra armor. and I'm working on research for more new sets....
Unit completed. +1 knight with a friends coat of arms as a gift. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
The painting class went excellent. Full table of 6 for the entire 2 hours. I'm going to do this regularly. With a different featured box set each...
I've built and primed 96 nights on foot for this weekend's event. I may only use a fraction of them. But I'm still happy I made the extra....
I've built and primed over a hundred miniatures and necessary shields. PHEW.
Saruman the white. Master of the black tower. Knew how to shank a guy.