I did some building last night[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Roman Zombies. Proving generic rag zombie kits work wonders.[ATTACH]
Next ten for the guild started [ATTACH]
The full box of spacenam, painted as my my Bactrian 88th assault infantry. Next up is some more models for the guild, and maybe some D&D stuff,...
This was a bitch to put together. I have three more of these, and I don't know if I even want to build them. [ATTACH]
Session 2 We returned to the party well rested, after a nights sleep in the Shah's palace. Not wasting time, they immediately set out to meet...
That looks awesome. I love the moss.
I'm also getting this occasionally.
I need to write up part two. I'll try to do that tonight. My plan is simply fun. I'm not trying to make this activated hard mode at all. The...
Frankly, that's just the player. He's also my mentor in fencing, and the running joke is that he is the cheesiest guy around. Partly because he...
Greetings lizard friends. I finally have a D&D group after many years of not playing. I am acting as dungeon master, and my four friends are...
Started on the last five bactrians from the first box set of space Nam. [ATTACH]
Building one of the archon tanks. Debating whether this will be the first and last. Anytime I have to break out rubber bands for a build is...
So did my buddy. I showed it to him tonight at practice. He said I did an amazing job. So I'm happy with that. On to the next models
no, I'm stating that is my goal. sorry for the confusion. I've painted the sexiest amount of models so far (69.) I have 6 more on my painting...
Break through my 100 models painted sub-goal for the year.
6 zombies painted. [ATTACH]
5 more Bactrians, and a DnD figure for one of my players (I'm a dungeon master with an active group now.) [ATTACH]
6 infantry conversions for the guild. I need to add a few shields but these are done. [ATTACH]