After a week of not painting, I have finally put brush back to model. I'm going to be working on these between other things today. Expect more...
Awesome work so far!
Event was good. 4 people painted Romans. I got some good commentary on my entry. I also painted an unarmored legionary. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Thanks Imrahil.
5 more peasants are complete. [ATTACH]
5 peasants. On the board. [ATTACH]
Prepoed and ready to rock at midnight. [ATTACH]
I primed a whole bunch of models, some of which were for my painting class this Saturday. New Year's painting will commence at midnight as is...
Does this conversion for men-at-arms make financial sense? No. Does it look bloody fantastic? Yes. [ATTACH]
My last painted model for 2024, a custom miniature based on the description my girlfriend gave me of a character in the book she is writing....
First 6 peasant levy from the plastic barons war kit. Nice models. Also: cell phone stands make a good out of the way exacto blade rest. [ATTACH]
Aiming for 1000 28mm figures in 12 months.....Now that's miniature-soldiering... Hail, lizards and friends of old, and welcome to this blog. I'm...
Prepping models for my next paint-and-take table. Boxing up a large amount of peasants and other frames people have ordered. Probably going to...
[ATTACH] If any of you 3D print, you can pick up Krampus with explosives at the link below....
More has been built. Taking a short break from sprue cleaning to prep some models for an upcoming painting class, but then I'll be back to...
I bought myself skaventide earlier in the month.
Traditional building of more minis on Christmas eve. [ATTACH]
prep for new years has begun. New thread on the 28th or 29th, as is tradition.