I wasn't aware that it was 700 Ducats and zero Glory. So I'm going to have to remove my glory items. Oops.
For anyone fooling around with the warband builder/ quickstart rules - this is what I've come up with for New Antioch. [ DUCATS ] Total : 0 |...
previewing asssyrians. https://www.myminifactory.com/tribes/WargamesAtlantic/posts/Sneak_Peek_01_for_the_holidays-52526 Also working on more...
I am considering that for the remainder
5 more clanrats built from the skaventide box. Terrible design philosophy. The models look good, but the way they are built causes problems with...
March of the Gingerbread army. I like it.
Very much so, and Warlord Gouda to lead them all.
I've decided: They shall be clan Queso. Which has more significance to me because the household I am in for my medieval group has "Con Queso" as...
Clanrat, yellow test scheme[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Finish my entry for an upcoming art competition. This is a miniaturized version of my friend and his coat of arms. Sir Fernando Miguel "the...
Received a $200 gift card to Amazon. Trying to decide what to get.
Update on the build project to clean frames and recycle them. [ATTACH]
Pike and shotte also birthed the flashy sword and elan of Three musketeers, even if that technically came a little bit later. That's why I love...
20 more pikemen built tonight. Trying to clear up my assembly pile. I also finished the lord-terminos last night. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
I decided on the Lord-terminos, which is now primed in sub assemblies. Also started on some new antioch experiments.
Built-in primed a lord terminos in sub assemblies. Began experiments with building two new antioch models.
So I picked up skaven tide for my Christmas present to myself. Got it for roughly 213 USD with shipping. I'm not sure what to paint first.
https://www.trenchcrusade.com/playtest-rules Lore primer is able to be downloaded there.
I've built a ton of landsknecht swordsmen with extra bits from the cavalry sets. I also now have a DnD game to potentially prep models for. I've...