Eh, it's overflowing with adjectives. They could have done more with less words. The lack of a map annoys me. Everything being "vague" doesn't...
He bought the wrong size shoulderpads at the armorer, didn't he?
Has anyone backed Trench Crusade or are working on warbands? I got to say, the Iron Sultanate looks intriguing.
5 light cavalry with pistols and swords.[ATTACH]
Finishing 5 pistoliers. and uploading most of this.
[ATTACH] 2 war-hounds. Not sure when I'll base them but eventually.
The pistoliers are primed and in progress. 5 horses 90% of the way there. Only strapping /reins to finish. Then on to the riders.
Thanksgiving progress. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Current progress on the unit of 10. [ATTACH]
I like the way you think.
Thank you!
That knight has been painted, 4 more are in progress, mounted upon painting steeds while their correct warhorses are painted separately. Also,...
15 more random infantry models fill out the horde of militia. [ATTACH] And the first wargames Atlantic Renaissance heavy cavalry off the...
10 pikeman for a unit of 40. These are going to take a minor hiatus while I finish some other projects that have been moved up in the queue for...
+3 for a dwarf King on shield bearers, wip base Crossing this one off my bucket list once complete, though. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
That is awesome. Want some ww2 brits and soviets to paint and take some pictures with?
Hey, those were dark elf models. They enjoyed the burning.
The loin protective metal looks slightly thin over the black undercoat. I would go over that with a light drybrush. You've nailed the magenta...
Goodbye khand and far harad
I've primed a dwarf King with shield bearers. I've also been cleaning and consolidating sprues. This has led to quite a few fantasy-esque...