That King is now primed. And will most likely be started if not finished within the next 24 hours. Released these, and about to prime a dwarf king with...
Make that 10 ogres
It's also sculpted by the same guy. But you're probably right.
I have painted 7 ogres as part of a work project. They will be shown off when allowed, but I am marking them on the list for now.
yea. I dug them out of my stash.
10 landskneckt needing I clean up stage, some final details, and then basing.[ATTACH]
Nice work nightbringer. keep hobbying!
I've been building and priming up a storm the past few days. 6 more nato-ogre conversions 3 misc fantasy human great swordsmen. A chariot and...
I have one of those. I'm purging through a lot of my old book collection.
So I painted these five boys today. [ATTACH]
5 Roman citizens, added to my generic human mob unit. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
We already have kobolds on digital. If you search the digital catalog on my mini factory you'll find them. I'm not at my computer otherwise I...
A nude except for black carapace heavily physically damaged, yet grumpy space marine. 1. I'm going to be naming my dreads after Greek/Hellenic...
Honored Brother Diogenes has been assembled into sub assemblies for painting. [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] Final stretch
How it's going: [ATTACH]
Not sure yet
Brother librarian Odeon, Brotherhood of Heraclius ultramarines ultima founding successor chapter, is finished. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]