Wow, that’s amazing!
Here’s my Bastiladon
OH MY GOD THAT IS FREAKING AMAZING! How did you do that base it’s fantastic!
Just out of curiosity, are gloomspite gitz good against Nighthaunts?
Yeah. The problem is that my shooting rolls keep failing. And like you said, no advice can be given on lucky dice rolls.
Yeah. What would glaivewraith stalkers be then?
Sounds good.
Well it’s settled then. RAZORDONS!
I did see a good video for Skink Flesh on Warhammer TV. I think I would use that for the Bastiladon Skinks.
Yeah I used a couple of coats of Zandri Dust, then Reikland fleshshade.
Thank you so much! I will add my Saurus Warriors soon. Any tips for the Basty?
Where could I get a cheap Slann (preferably lord kroak)? I have a few battles which I feel my army is underprepared for and I was recommended to...
OK, thanks!
[ATTACH] Here’s my Bastiladon! I built it with a Solar Engine, and used colours similar to the ones on the box. It’s still a WIP, I need to paint...
Do you need a Slann for this?
So in a nutshell, this paint blog is a bunch of pictures dinosaurs and lizards which I spent way too much time on. Currently I haven’t finished...
how do I teleport them then?
wait, what’s LoSaT?
and of course the Nighthaunts can fly :mad::confused:
During the battle we were also using Saurus Warriors and glaivewraith stalkers. My sauruses won, but were killed by the dreadblades after they...