Elves were the 'favored' children so it doesn't surprise me the way Tolkien treated everyone else. With the dwarves I dunno if you read the...
I could go for pink lemonade and vodka
That suits him so freaking well that profile
[ATTACH] His Lordship J. Geils is pleased
Not as much as you'd think, we adopted him...and he didn't stop growing. His brother is normal length/weight but this guy? nope. His dad was...
He weighs about 18 lbs and is almost 3 feet long
Let me share with you a photo of my feline of considerable size [IMG]
You're chameleon skinks have that fabulous metallic look to them!
Dino thunder fan as well?!
Nothing a little green stuff can't fix!
Ah yes but I told please do not spoil it for me and he did anyways but additionally, I am writing final papers and my student teaching and job do...
I almost gave a student detention today for spoiling Infinity War for me
Looks absolutely lovely! How crazy did you drive yourself painting each separate basti scale?
A vest full of recommendations! [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
For me, as a dedicated Manowarrior I am obligated to say ManOWar I listen to them while putting together chain mail. But from my top bands? I got...
I know some HEMA folks! Next time I run into them I can ask them for info!
I have indeed set myself up. okay but look, it is far easier and cheaper to get my hands on a poleaxe in my area than a sniper rifle and I feel...
Poleaxes are also my jam. You can hook a shield and break someone's arm with it. Get the blade over the shield edge, get the back of the blade...
REDWALL WAS ALSO MY JAM Wasn't Raven a game show thing?