Oh my LORD
I never really knew how much they went through til I knew some folks who worked at those and apparently if the nerd boys didn't like the latest...
Oh when the Slann come floating in! Oh when the Slann come floating in! How I want to be in that number when the Slann come floating n!
Its the dream someday! especially since this summer promises more activity since I got the big bag of old models to mod and paint
AH OKAY yes I did enjoy that one! Yes!
If its bad I am throwing my popcorn (except not really those movie theater employees deal with enough shit)
Alas times they are a changing!
I got...my brother's light saber replica andddd two swords, a dagger and assorted knives (but those are not star wars related I just like knives)
Actually don't they have an official guide book for how your costume has to look if you want to join?
Same honestly. I do like Tony very much (I'm hard pressed to choose a character I dislike in the MCU actually because even ones that weren't my...
Yeah! They do a blood drive at Anime Boston every year and I think a charity auction at one point.
@NIGHTBRINGER Def Vision but I have a weird feeling he will be resurrected in Part 2 Cap or Tony might be taken out I think OR end it on a cliff...
Its just...ridiculous, wonderful and a great example of fun stuff the star wars folks get up to. I mean the 501st alone is great Then there is...
[IMG] For you Discworld fans this was captioned: Sybil Vimes nee Ramkin
Thor is my favorite in the MCU, and good Ol' Cap I loved Black Panther so while T'Challa was my favorite in the cartoons I think he might rapidly...
SPEAKING OF STAR WARS FANS CLINGING TO EVERYTHING this is possibly one of my favorite star wars things in existence, the running of the Hoods, all...
Oh god yeah, no I was spoiled for Quicksilver's death in The Long Weekend of Ultron as well as Clint's little family thing?! so weird (I mean to...