:eek::( Well damn! I had no idea. Just relics then? Totally. From what I understand, both sides get to control endless spells freely? Do they...
Wow - good memory. :) Kind of! I was moving across the US, camping along the way. All my worldly possessions were in my truck. It was incredible.
I made a critical error in the first list; please see the updated list below. Well, it seems I've picked a good time to return! :) I've been...
Heh! Not to gloat, but... I wrote about possibilities such as these years ago! Perhaps the ideas are less-relevant today, or maybe they're no...
Ahh ok! That works too. There are benefits to them being separate, in any case. :)
Hey has it become possible to take Skinks + Krox in the same unit? I'm not seeing anything saying whether I can or can't. I wrote up a guide on...
Ahh! Makes sense. Razordons are pretty great for their cost. Wow.
Can someone help me out with the Core Book's pitched battle profiles? What do the orange dots mean? Some units have orange dots in the leftmost...
Saurus, beasts, and Skrox-heavy back in 2016 when Scalenex was pinning my unit formation & tactica write-ups!
I love the Stegabow. I think that the bow's range (and its impact) brings something to the Seraphon shooting phase that is largely missing from...
That's ok -- never used Kroak (or any named stuff), so I don't even know what I'm missing. :) I just downloaded the $15 book off the app and I've...
Ok cool - just the GHB? That has Mortal Realms and all?
Oh interesting. I haven't heard of almost any of those things, but I'll look into them. Where can I find resources for this stuff? Rules?...
Reading up on Celestial Conjuration points now -- yikes! Looks like summoning took a blow. How many points per game do y'all typically rack up?...
Oh -- it seems to still work the same way! The unit formations still work! Whew, what a relief!
Remember me? A few years back, I was pretty active on here in the time of 8th/the changeover to Age of Sigmar. I drafted a number of...
Anybody else feel that Tree & Spite Revenants are WAY overcosted? I mean, just comparing them to Saurus... kinda bizarre. Can't wrap my head...
Seraphon all the way! The goodies in order are nice, but specialized battlelines (Guard/Knights) are more practical for my style.
This is solid and thematic to boot. =] Nice!
I have the *.pdfs with points saved to my phone if anyone would like them. Send me your email (or whatever) and I'll get them over to you.