Nobody has asked the painstaking question of warmachine/crew targeting yet! Or whether characters retain any abilities at all if they use a...
THEY ARE DOING IT FOR ONE WEEK ONLY! I've already posted their link in a thread, but I'll post it again here. If you've got any questions about...
Like I've said, a number of our Arcane Vassal options aren't particularly great choices if acting in a manner consistent with channeling/utility....
I'm in. :)
Thronk! Requesting a hi-five is similar to checking a pulse, I think. I used intelligence as my dump stat. :(
Humbly request a hi-five with only a wide grin, raised eyebrows and interpretive gesture!
And to think that they were "Aquatic" in the last edition! ;p pfsssfshhhs
I feel ya, man. The weird thing about AoS is that it seems to take a 'positive rights' approach to rulesets but, unfortunately, it is incredibly...
Big question: what sort of General will you be fielding? If you're fielding Kroak, go with Kroak: use his Insights to reroll the dice that...
If you're on Facebook, then be sure to 'Like' GW's official "Warhammer Age of Sigmar" page so that you can stay in touch & up-to-date! The page...
AoS still uses 'true LoS' ("if unsure, stoop down and get a look from behind the attacking model to see if the target is visible"), and doesn't...
I'm going to be visiting London in a few days for a bit more than a week. I've got a couple of destinations in mind, but I'm curious as to whether...
Yeah, the Basti is kind of our Stonehorn. It pretty much demands mortal wounds, and a good deal of those may not even get through.
Yeah, nowhere in the rules is it said that a 1 auto-fails.
We're moving into Age of Sigmar's fabled, 'Realm of Vanilla!' The Starseer is first up, and it's a pretty straightforward pick. It's not a bad...
Er... now that I've read through this section for the 90th time, something's occurred to me. It might actually work both ways: rolling a single...
Well, I've emailed GW. In the past, that's been about as helpful as shouting my question into the night sky. I can't find anything in the rules...
Yeah, that's how I've always played it... but it's just occurred to me that there's no concrete wording either way. >_< I can't support either...
Hmm... maybe 'the same Damage characteristics' technically includes the 'd3' damage characteristic? *shrug* Rats! ;) Still, the more I read it,...
Well, this is a pickle. Our Oldblood on a Carnosaur scores 3 hits and 3 wounds with its Sunstone Spear, and our opponent fails 3 saves. So,...