Hey, good call. I hadn't seen that before. That helps me rest :)
I hope an FAQ is on the way. I've e-mailed 20+ rules questions to GW with no response. :P Sounds like they're allowing you to mix it up, though!...
It's a blurred line at the moment. Some players believe that the Warscroll/Unit entry is worded in a way that permits units of identical...
Oh, there's no question that a Skink Priest can ride atop an EotG (and possibly function as they would have in 8th). If you check under...
AoS appears to be the winning formula. It reminds me of Super Smash Bros.: a simple button-masher if you want it to be, but also a nuanced,...
Eh, seems like the Skink Priest has to be fielded as a Skink Priest, not a Skink Priest atop an EotG.
Because they're being charged by a triangle, the base-to-base model will inevitably be the closest model to many. The first picture that I've got...
:D:snaphappy: [img] IT'S 'SERAPHON,' STUPID!
The OB's ability is situational, but being able to move 3" in the Hero phase could spell the difference between remaining stationary/piling-in...
Haven't been able to test any new tactics or play lately but I've very much enjoyed the game so far. :)
I was walking around Atlin in a t-shirt! =] Beautiful, beautiful country... jealous that I can't trade places with you, Qupacoko!
The scenarios that you guys come up with are comical. I feel sorry for you if you're limited to opponents like that, I guess.
It would be advantageous for that player during the game, yeah. It would also advertise that they're a total cheeseball... which would not be so...
Ahh gotcha. I can see how that would be trouble for some models, yeah. I suppose my problem with the chart was with the dead area that some of the...
No offense, but tournaments (and their rules) mean nothing to me. I don't remember seeing it anywhere in the book. I figured that it's always been...
Interesting... why change the sizes themselves, though? Why not use the current diameters?
Never saw that rule or suggestion or anything. Having a hard time finding it now. If it's unspoken, can't it stay that way?
Welp, agree to disagree as usual then. :P
I thought that not even 8th has a rule for base sizes, though.
Heh I like it either way. Order's got something just as ridiculous as the Hellcannon now. :D