That is a great idea - quick and easy.
Rippers are crazy, man. Insane unit, there. I imagine that they'll get nerfed at some point if GW keeps its word and updates warscrolls. At the...
I've found that model-to-model measuring doesn't really work. In the long run, it may. With current models, however, it doesn't really hold up....
If/when I convert mine, I think that I'll carry all of the existing bases sizes over and match their diameters. Here's a chart from 2009 which...
The Saurus Host Battalion makes Saurus incredibly good. As long as they're used properly, fielded with spears, and taken in large numbers, they're...
Yes! Very similar, indeed. Keep those models or units juuuuust close enough, and you can have a field day with your opponent. Sounds like he was...
Oh, absolutely. Skinks are incredible. I'm trying to work out contingencies for being charged. So far, I've found something interesting about the...
And now, you know my love for fielding monsters as support (they're strong to begin with, and all of them may be buffed by a Skink Chief). ^_^ I...
I'm interested.
Heh! Nice! I just edited my post. :) Pretty sweet when combined with The Hunter's Steed! +1 to charge, re-rolling 1s... yum.
[MEDIA] Working on Saurus Cav combined with Flyers into a single formation now. By the numbers, it's very promising. The models look fantastic...
I like the sound of that! Putting a couple of those small, pointy units in staggered forward positions could make for a pretty tough vanguard,...
Heh! They're called Buffs, and I've got like 10 of those things. Actually wearing two in the pic. :P One around my neck to be folded into a...
Expected declarations, maybe.
Jax is the only Mortal Kombat fighter that I had room for. He's the best candidate of the bunch. There are presently 21 candidates from two...
I'm 25. Many of my friends are under 30. Their friends, too, seem to be under 30 (for the most part). Myself, my friends, and friends of...
I read the news today, and heard about the 21st candidate entering the race... so I felt compelled to make this graphic. :p [ATTACH] But...
Welcome, @Lug, to Lustria Online! Truthfully, I hadn't seen that warscroll yet! I'd noticed many mentions of "6 or more," which originally tipped...