Looks like one fellow lizard played it once. Blood in the Badlands Campaign My FLGS did a campaign in the past to great success, though I...
@FaBa, look in this thread. Nuff Said.
Is that why Genestealers used to be blue? Cause of Space Hulk.
Can't stack regen with ward? I forgot
Why is she blue?
Looks like a good list! Make sure you get the Heavens buffs on to your unit taking on the minotaurs. Have you any worries about facing the...
I very much enjoyed this story. My vision of what happens at the end is a little different. I'd say the Seraphon show up and kill all them for...
Trakzi will be missed, but thanks to your handiwork, she'll live on our forum forever. Thanks Bob!
So long as it's your original forum post, you can click the little edit button at the bottom of your post. From there a little popup window will...
Gratz to the win! That was really a slugfest, haha. I really wasn't sure you were winning, even though the tone in your batrep was overall...
For whites and off whites, my colors always look better with a light brown base coat. So in your case, paint the belly a light brown and paint the...
Those are REAL sled dogs. This thread is awesome.
Looks like an interesting list. First impression is that 5 Krox is too many. I'd rather run a block of two and three, allowing you more...
Always fun to look at a new breed of the army :) Looks like an interesting dichotomy from the norm. Since these lizards live underground, is there...
Mac should be fine
Well I'm not sure what to tell you, @PhoenixTheCat. I can delete your avatar, but I can't post a new one for you. I made a new user account and I...
I might be able to edit your avatar. I'll look into it.
Works for me! @PhoenixTheCat, are you using the drop down menu at the top of the mobile page to edit your avatar? If you go to the top and tap...
Now we can all text Michael.