Don't forget he wants the Dread Saurian! I'm partial to getting the Bastiladon next. I've heard it does wonders for us in battle. And welcome...
I'd venture to guess that the center token will be the most contested, so using Elite on your FE might be best. You want them to stick around...
Now that this is over, how many of our entrants aren't native English speakers? And also what's y'alls opinion on the etiquette concerning voting...
In the first pic, left flank, second row, is that an old pewter archer? Those guys are uncommon.
Welcome to L-O!! What system are you in to? 8th edition, 9th age, Age of Sigmar, or Kings of War?
Warhammer actually has a lot of really fun video games. Mordheim and Space Marine fps awesomeness, Warhammer 40k Dawn of War strategy play, Total...
We made out pretty good a few years ago. With the last LM release we got the Carno/Trog kit, Basti kit, Rippers/Terradon kit, Tetto'eko...
Congrats to @lordkingcrow!!
Bam! Moved. How did you clean them up? Were they painted before?
I believe that the round bases are small enough to fit a square base under them. Could be that you just need to make some card bases. Fortunately...
Looks like we've got this sorted. Good job, lizards.
That's a tough call. Is the extra 4" really worth anything? Seeing how our Skinks skirmish anyway, there really isn't a reason to bunker them up...
Dwarvenism* *xylophone solo*
Everything in that picture with a mouth has its tongue sticking out.
I prefer to use an aluminum nail. You can pound it through the base and the head of the nail prevents it from tipping. Just glue in place. Also...
Welcome to LO! We will guide you on your path to domination.
Awesome work! You should put your completed Chief in the Itza Gallery of Fine Arts.
Haha, I've had a similar conversation far to often.
Excellent fight! It's amazing to see how your perspective of your opponent changed over the course of the battle. That was a hard game, but you...