Magnetized bases let you stack guys in a toolbox. They can stick to the walls and sides of trays, and they don't move. I posted a thread about it...
Aren't Terradons considered MC? Look at the model in @Crowsfoot's thread. That would be great for Skinks, seems a little bigger than normal Cold...
Where did you get that critter from? Lovely model. Excellent use of the old Kroq Gar.
You should try a game with the 8th edition magic rules.
Maybe. But then @NIGHTBRINGER would have his head explode from all the polling possibilities. I don't want that on my conscience.
We're limited to one poll per thread.
$200 suicide fee?
I didn't know I was flexible enough to put my own foot in my mouth. Guess I better Alt+F4.
The plot thickens...
Seriously awesome work on that model.
None of us lesser mods have the power to control that, unfortunately. We will have to ask nicely. Fun bonus fact, if you're logged in you can...
Shhh... I went on a cleaning spree lol. This one was in the wrong forum, probably why it wasn't answered.
How's this project going?
@Otzi'mandias what are you referencing? The Hero allocation is dependant on your army size.
That sounds right to me. As the Orcs used to say, "Woundz is woundz."
Little bit of threadromancy here, but holy cow! How long did that battle take to complete? And gratz to the win of course.