Progress on my first Slann painting I need to revisit the jewellery at some point maybe I need a magnifying glass or better light a nice desk lamp...
My first stab at painting has begun :) the paint is really nice and shinny which is pleasing for the eye but bad for pictures in the light...
Oh and before I forget :) - I picked up this model which inspired me to make room in my collection ;) - [ATTACH]
So I haven't got around to painting yet will do some later while watching a film spent a good part of yesterday putting the Lizardmen I don't want...
The Winner(s) have spoken a tie has been decreed :D
Looks like the perfect place for the Slann council to convene
Impulse purchased 46 post-it-note holders to use as scenery - they actually work really well as a multi story housing unit for my Lizardmen - I'll...
This is upsetting :'( I just counted I have 29 - I'll grab a picture soon I put them near each other :P
Not much looks better than a Slann floating above his army for war :D
Only one would remain ;)
The playlist of 10 roars work really well together I really hope you can pull this off if you have to have wires outside the body of the carno you...
Yeah the cover of darkness gives an air of atmosphere to it :D
Really nice colour scheme on the Slann love him :D
I'd just like to thank @Bowser for his contribution to this competition below is the unofficial list of authors: Poem 1 @Bowser Poem 2 @Bowser...
Amazing :O so impressed with this
think about how and when u want it roaring also you don't want it going off all the time :P
unless of course they're death dragon wings
epic the holes in the wings not so epic but still progress :D
No Slann? I'm disappointed ;) Jokes aside It's really good to make non Slann reliant chances are many of the Lizardmen conflicts take place...
It's unbelievable how many dinosaur toys I've bought - I hope people assume I'm taking them for children :P - You could always grab a sound grab...