Green stuff world were selling one while I've been looking into hobby supplies but I have no idea if its a cheap value one or actually any good :P
What campaign book was that? @Warden
Don't worry though you have more likes than an average teenagers conversation and that's like saying something like because @Bowser was like i'm...
On the plus side this thread will edge me ever closer to becoming a forum Slann - though I'm still a ridiculous way off
Not long left and It's still a close run race if you haven't voted or read these yet its time to do so :D
It'll be interesting to see when an Admin freezes off this section of the forum to see who actually ultimately wins
I'd stop winning for a Slann that's considerably less than @NIGHTBRINGER proposed 200 :O
I keep forgetting to drop in and win - sorry folks ;)
A scarlet red or something would stand out and have an air of aristocratiness (real word look it up well don't because its not a real word ;)) -...
beyond epic :D I love how cultural these are
Its cool @Crowsfoot I know your trying to help and I am lost to an extent but my new job stability is going to help me sift through them all now...
1. Potentially play but not all of them UNLEEEEESSS....Lizardmen vs Lizardmen civil war! 2. Yes - well not all but the important ones :P and some...
To make counting my army easier I was breaking it down into shelves - I just did a preliminary count on my middle shelf - ignoring any proxy...
i concur
why you making so much good scenery? Its coming along nicely!
The head and axe are coming along nicely I think the muscles will look better with some smoothing over with liquid greenstuff or something to make...
Is there a winner yet?
You could combine the two an industrial lava base display so it looks like that scene out of star wars
Yeah I prefer lava but in this instance a space marine on the metal floor does look more natural