I share the sentiment but ultimately the most bitter potion of all is the RetCon. Just put Sigmar in his place. Big hero / Minor deity.. among...
**I grow weary of the grimdark.
Model range (aesthetics) Winner: Regiments of Renown / Dogs of War You can get a little bit of everything with these guys. Gaming / Playing...
Army Lists?! With points and what all? (I started trying to list the models I had to choose from in my initial post. But I switched tabs. To...
From the Heretic section of the Peanut Gallery.. “..What’s a Thanos again.. ..izzat an acronym, i.e: THANOS ?” :cyclops:
A Rhinox would be a nice boxed lunch.
[ATTACH] Ive been in a long quest to learn to make burgers in my air fryer. This was the latest one.
Was there a whole other thread for bashing the CCP ?
Oh my. I have been tagged. OK. This first post will serve as the spot to list the armies I have collected.
Orange Red —?—color clash Magenta Yellow—?—color clash (The yellow does not look yellow on my monitor; it looks like a pale orange?) Given all...
[ATTACH] In that same year, the same Hurricane, the USAF launched every aircraft from Homestead AFB sending them to other bases in Georgia and the...
Are you needing to know the dimensions of an archway big enough to let a Slann model pass through?
It is obviously a cat free household (?) :rolleyes:
[ATTACH] That is a very Bob Ross waterfall
There are a large number of needless words in this cartoon. [ATTACH] EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO CONFUSES CORRELATION AND CAUSATION ENDS UP DYING....
What I remember was a box that was about 4x4x6 cm. One infantry figure inside. You needed to ask for Spacemarine or “Sigmarine” — they had two...
It was in a little tiny box. It was a Stormcast guy. He snapped together really easy. And I only ever saw this once, so I have no idea what is...
I must make a better nine pointed arrow for you.
Is this not the way of all self-important, self-proclaimed experts, who think they have something to say on YouTube ? I find myself wanting to...