This is never clear to me. Ever. Those words can either mean the Midnite that begins Nov 1st or the midnite that ends it. How many hours are...
What about that Beckham dude? They let him drive a boat carrying the torch for the Olympics that one time. Why is he not in the poll?
Stop. Clearly ^ labeled ^ good advice.
I quite like the random pattern of red and blue stone, but I realize it is only the raw foam color.
That red Sigil on the end of the building (it’s underneath the sign) is very interesting. Does any lizard know what it is from? Like a gameverse?...
Otters !!!
Why is @Imrahil posting maps of states?
[IMG] Stairs to nowhere.
I drawed a thing. It was a scaly thing. [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] This thing appears to be more photoshopped than functional. (What cuts the near side, while the pizza scissors cut the far side?) Plant...
Do we think… Hirst Art bricks? Or something else?
Plant stroller is not the most idiotic thing I have seen. (Sadly). But it is the most idiotic thing I have seen today (but the day is young).
I reviewed the old threads and I did the Five face on one dice (stegadon) and I made contributions to a comet design and an eye design....
Stranger in a Strange land. That’s a Heinlein title (?) or is my memory full of holes?
I voted 20mm. I have all the twelves I will ever want. If artwork I did is still liked, feel free to use it. I pretty much donated it to this...
Try this link from Harpers: There just were not a lot (any)...
Georgia O’Keefe (was a contemporary of Jackson Pollock) ? She could be Georgie?
…A stout infusion of Cranberry juice is rumored to make a living person’s flesh repulsive to Zombies… Additionally, hurling a Zombie into a...
Ok then Welcome Back Bowser!