I like the little chunks of scatter terrain these are standing on. Too bad those little terrain pieces could not be ordered as a set. Thanks...
Not. Even. Gonna. Vote.
The worst has to be Gnoblars? Skaven slaves?
Now that I have stopped giggling, —loudly— the first Rygor story must be the explanation of how he was turned from an ordinary woodcutter’s...
Thanks I believe it was 1500 points. A bunch of it was proxy models. I have no FW at all. I have two Bull Centaurs and I think I have a rocket...
Just list them all. Simpler that way. Anybody wanting details and qualifiers can read the post.
@NIGHTBRINGER I waded to the end of this thread and I now have questions. Did you want only armies fielded, any armies collected, or do they only...
Wait, they blew up a Realm? :rolleyes: Again?? o_O Where have I heard this one before... :cool: I know I read of this somewhere....
This needs to be added to the Gallery of Slann images if it is not there already.
Those Deepkin Elves can evidently swim overland without water :wideyed: so I see no reason :shifty: Stormkniggets couldn’t walk on water or...
[ATTACH] Now we know who the Red Queen was shouting about when she said, “Off with his head!” (This is gonna be the silliest thing I have seen...
Which factions have their own Spell Models? (I thought Seraphon did! Didn’t they release some spells when they released the pyramid terrain...
Whatsa Craftworld again?
Did you reserve old names for those same old members?
The thing that needs to be trimmed back and pruned is “Reality Television ” in all its hideous mutations. Then there will be more ‘Space’ for...
Utterly, and Absolutely Wrong. Rubbish. This notion pronounced Dead On Arrival.
Best Wizards Duel Ever. . . . EVAR !
I don’t see any mention of snakes and swarms. :shifty: Dissapointed. :meh: I really think separate scrolls perhaps with different point values...
There might be an old thread about skinks on cold ones/horned ones....