The Terrible Twos they call them. Now you know how the Lord of Swamp Castle (from Holy Grail) felt. But not to worry, the fourth one should stay...
I think Lizardmen would never do that. BFTJ doesn’t injure the horses. But Carnosaurs?!? Dinos are too much trouble to raise and train to expend...
I voted for 2 things. But, the trooper needing an update the most is: Venerable Skinks (the ones equipped with bows) The things I voted for...
Every miniature I own has huge enormous hands. The same is true for all of the 28ish mm ones in your collection. They are bigger to look like...
He is just a musical member of the rank and file. Stick him in any skink unit that needs an extra body.
My pick was the first Dude on the Middle row. I never saw an episode: so the guy from the picture better be name number 5 which is the one I picked.
If there is it is long-winded and bloviated. Not worth my time to read. IMHO, not worth your time either. Yes. Yes it was. Furthermore, it is a...
What is an Occarina?
He was a sleepy cat. He just wanted a nice peaceful yard to snooze in.
OK, fess up. Who else thought (at first glance) this was a Bretonnian footknight mashup with a bizarre crest and a malwappropriate weapon?
:redcard: If they do, just scrape them off; :shifty: use that super expensive, official GW label, mold line removal tool to do the job...
[IMG] @Warden I like this castle. Is it cardstock or lasercut MDF? Or some other material?
The Dwarf faction ships for the Armada game are goofy. Ironclads, shaped vaguely like rowing galleys, with hints of paddle wheels. Goofy.
Not ^ this ^ again !
There is a duplicate post. Edit the duplicate to say some words about not calling the whole place Panterra. Hypothesis: the reason you hate the...
A glossary would have a more exhaustive list of place names. A glossary would have very specific entries: “map of border baronies” “Barony of the...
This is relevant to Mera’s Lake: [MEDIA] Haloclines That’s the new word of the day.
To be fair there was never an army of Araby in 6th edition or 7th. Was there an army of Araby back in the before times of 2nd/3rd edition?? I...
Who is Eliasson? And can you explain: “...horrible Scottish interpretation of Albion...”
This is all very impressive. Did GW make any Warmaster Lizards back in the day? If they did I assume the prices for them on an aftermarket...