Ok look we leave it at this, as to not side track the thread any futher. I will have the last word here on this subject. You all think your...
There's no clearly about it. I posted the link to the Russian Hobby store. They had 40k books translated into Russian, but the AoS books were all...
I think this was a ruse. @Lizerd You played on people's desire to be deceived. I say ruse because you didn't give up the link. And I don't...
hmmm... I am not sure here, maybe someone could help me out. But the 40K books appear to be translated into russian. But the AoS books are all...
To be honest, that could have just been someones home brew warscrolls. It seems unlikely that such a universally hated model, would get such...
Strictly speaking, viruses no longer really exist. Original virus writers were mostly gunning for Microsoft, but innovations in security...
Hint: that's from almost 9 years ago. Things have moved on a lot since then. don't worry about it, I work in web. Honestly, I ain't had a virus...
Nah, not nowadays, the browsers have really good security built in. Also all the so called doggy websites that use to give you viruses. Well...
' Can't you just find the link from your history, and then we can look at it? You won't get a virus. Only if you open an .exe file.
"Come on, ya bastid dirty coon'ts!, get down that fookin hole!" Othmar groaned "ahh, shit, the little bastid has the blood today." "Körbl, come...
I say this as a someone who has wasted many precious hours painting my 16 Cold One Knights. Thank you.
Yes her subs have grown very fast indeed. She is very hard worker! well done! So glad that mintitures are finally moving away from the stereo...
hmmm... I don't really know. The idea of spending sixty pounds on one model, when I can spend it and get a whole bunch of models. That's what...
I would never buy those super expensive models anyway. £25 for a lieutenant you say? Thanks, but no thanks I say. Realistically, most people...
I don't like any of the models for the warbands.
The Skaven bombadier is a really awesome model, and makes you long for an update to Rat Ogres, giant rats, pack masters etc. Can't understand why...
Fine cast is awful. I refuse to own one fine cast model since getting back into this thing. metal? are you serious? Back in the day, 25 years...
Might Lord of khorne is super tough. He is equal too about 40 saurus warriors
Also what the hell, mighty lord of Khorne in the blades of khorne cards???
The saurus on the warcry cards, has much better proportions then the saurus warriors. Maybe its better the wait, because it means more likely...