Knights have a lot of details. The iron clad you can just paint all steel and dry brush. It looks good! With the knights they have flowers,...
Yikes! I had an idea of speed painting the rest of my Saurus knights. The Saurus knights are bad, because they have to much detail. And its...
The worst would be a Skaven style update. A battle tomb and an exclusive hero, released in sold out box set. The Kharadon overlords book,...
[ATTACH] Ok guys, good news, I have my Seraphons and bumcast eternals in a playable state. Will try to make a youtube battle report soon. I...
Okay, fair point, I was just looking at the models on the website and rating the way they looked. yes I agree, I would never buy a finecast...
Steggadon = Great! Saurus old blood = good Scar Vet on Cold one = okay Skink priest with feathered cloak = trash Saurus sunblood = trash...
Luhumi lead the companions along the road, the Saurus marched either side of the companions. Garakas stood at the front, in between Luhumi and...
"Zo, where to now?" Claus shouted against the wind to the Xavi the air troop leader. "Head that way" Xavi pointed north west. "City of Hamborgan...
Thank you! After watching this, the first thought that enters my mind, is why mould my entire armies! like clone wars. I am guessing it's not...
Maw-gritch all of a sudden felt a light sinking feeling in his stomach, as he heard a loud "floop" sound. "skarrrrrr snik snik" The plague monk...
Yes i think so too. I would add bullgors, but at £30! for 3 models, I can't do that. For chaos spawn I will probably try to make some of my...
The high queen, went on a rampage yesterday. She ate 10! yes 10 locausts in one sitting. The idea was to put food in her tank, so she could eat...
Guys, I was thinking about this for a khorne army. demon prince 6 chaos spawn 3 khogaraths 30 blood reavers 970 points. What you think? I...
If anyone is interested, I can make a youtubes painting tutroial video on how I paint these suckems.
Ok dudes, went in with the airbrush. I do 2 base coats, spray a wash on, then I do 2 highlights with airbrush. but the lizard men were to...
Oh nice! But I still think the cold one needs to be pumped up a bit. The cold one has sharp teeth and claws. So a bit of rend? The 1 attack for...
Really hope they make Saurus knights more elite in the update. Everything on them is crap. 1 attack? Cold one has 2 attacks and no rend? Jaws...
I went for 10 with lances and 5 with clubs. I think I prefer the clubs to lance's as it's 3+ 3+. The mortal wounds on the charge is pretty lame...
What is the best? I was thinking either 1 unit 15 knights with lances. or 1 unit of 10 with lances and 1 unit of 5 with clubs. Or 3 small units?
Hey looks like the start collecting Tzeench has been removed from the GW site. So new Start collecting for them inbound.