Looks, it obvious, they saved the best till last. Obviously Seraphon update will be huge revamp, with crisp new Saurus, soulful Slann,...
The sombre skinks clustered on the top of the black coach, next to Claus Dukemhausen. "Zo tell me mein yellow fellows, where did your space city...
Well there was a rumour from a solid source that Seraphon update was in January. Thing is, Seraphon are like Gloom spite gitz. They are big...
The queen was attacked again today in her lair. It was a very close fight indeed, but the high queen was able to just pull through! [MEDIA]
Guys I finished collecting my Khorne Mortals army. I have 20 blood warriors. 60 Blood reavers, A might lord or Khorne, blood secrator, blood...
Let me take one guess. Is it the same reason battlefield 5 exists and the new Star Wars films exist as well? I think it's that (profanity would...
Thanks! To be honest I have been slack, and have not really had a lot of hobby time unfortunately. Also a lot of time was spent trying to make...
[ATTACH] Repainted my Seraphons to green. The knights took ages to paint. Have to find motivation to paint the other box now. [ATTACH]...
Man, I really don't understand the insane virtue purchasing for Sisters of Battle. I really don't like the custodes either. Mainly because of...
Looks like new plastics for the ogors cats. Nice!
yes the Saurus were terrible idea. First of all, the Old Blood is a Saurus himselfs. But he looks like different species to saurus warriors....
[MEDIA] Sorry, I thought they said in this video, somethings were being discontinued.
Looks like the Stegaddon and Rippedactyls are gone. Maybe they will get new models. I hope the Carnosaur and Trogladon stay. Having just...
"Well yall, no use floating around up here, yall need to get down there and start digging in". General Lee said, frustrated after spending...
The huge swarm of Rot fly's began to draw close to the Fortress of Shameless Desires. "Ain't that a thing yall" General Lee addressed his...
What is against the rules?
Well that certainly was not my intention. Honestly, I thought it was something I would be able to do. I really believed in the idea. I got...
The thing is, don't you think its more interesting if we keep it a mystery, weather I am, or am not? To be honest with you, I am ok with you and...
Yes I didn't know at that time, that GW basically does all their points costs by estimation. Maybe that is the right way to do it. I only can...