Well thats the thing, it IS scary. We are in a many small units meta. Not very many people are taking the 40 man hordes. So what will happen is...
It can have some bad matchups, but Ive taken dread to 2000pt tournaments and its withstood 40 sentinel lumineth shooting and dok shooting and ate...
I think its also worth mentioning that Any treemen allies you take bring stomps. 4+ make that guy fight last is pretty useful for melee seraphon....
I like your list and welcome to the forums, This is the list I like to use as another example,. Allegiance: Seraphon - Constellation: Koatl's...
I agree, if they aren't a bunch of fast hard hitting melee monsters that heal after doing wounds ill be very upset.
Vamps were a very popular army back in the WhFB days, so im not surprised they are milking this like they did the "return" of real elves. Flesh...
I like them as a summoning source in Coalesced. Take an ancient and branchwraith along with celestial equilibrium spell on your slann. Ancient...
Thats the problem I have. AoS was never designed to play the way 40k does, and vice-versa. When they took mortal wounds and added it into 40k it...
Really hoping this isnt true, I already play 40k and my interest in that game has dropped drastically because of how they changed the game. If...
Alarielle is the perfect centerpiece model. It just needs something to make it more playable. Hopefully this update makes the dryads better so you...
lol Its a close up of my carno. I posted some pics years back here. https://lustria-online.com/threads/jason839s-lizardmen-and-friends-wips.19288/...
I still like celestial stampede. Everyone is upset over the abilities, but to me its only 140 pts for fewer drops, extra prime warbeast trait,...
yes. pretty much. until they change the way the great plan works in their lore, everything the lizardmen have done, are doing, and will do is the...
You gotta think lf it like a game of cosmic chess. Everything lost doesn't really matter. The seraphon will come back over and over so they can...
I like that they showed how powerful kroak is by giving gradus back his body at will. that was cool.
Other than fangs of sotek, we are really resilient against most shooting. I always have close and fun games against KO, sentinel spam lumineth and...
luckily hes not a bad wizard with oracle of the slann, so you can cast it from him pretty reliably.
1 unit of 3 vanguard-raptors with long strikes and 2-3 units of 3 aetherwings. A lot of fangs lists that I see are starting to run this package....
what a mess of a release schedule. I wont be buying broken realms kragnos until im sure the rules wont just be negated by an upcoming edition change,
Eotg can benifit a list like this a lot. Without a slann you are only gonna roll 2d6, so you will be getting the heal quite often.