Definitely not a fan of all the reaction abilities. I think the hard limit on CP is going to somewhat mitigate spamming them though, especially...
The base rules are definitely streamlined, and honestly while I'm fine with 3e's base rules 4e is doing some good stuff with the core rules as...
They do still exist, they have been mentioned as enhancements that some armies will have. We don't get them for some reason. GW really dislikes...
Yeah, Kroak is looking *way* overpriced and not strong enough to warrant taking over a regular Slann at this point. The change to his healing...
I think stats-wise they are ok. Just can't see why the heck they would go up so much in price, unless the "Right Way" I was talking about earlier...
I'll wait to give more comments until I actually get to see the full index rules, but so far 4e isn't looking worth it to me. Thankfully I have...
Really hope we actually have a good damage spell outside of Kroak's personal spell this edition, lol!
Definitely. On the one hand, balance is good, and GW has a pretty poor track record of balancing factions. I've said for a while (as have many...
I'm definitely not as experienced a competitive player as many on here, but I have been playing AoS since late 1st/early 2nd Edition, so I have...
Pleasantly surprised by most things in our reveal, will write more when I get home from work today.
Nice! :D
It's trash, to be honest. It's jaw only does one more damage than the Gnashtoof's jaw, although to be fair it does have better to wound/rend but...
Well, Lumineth were massively overtuned when they first released, and their playstyle was always "I get to do all sorts of powerful things that...
Yeah, kind of uninspired on the things they're showing. But to be fair about the Namarti having anti-infantry and extra damage vs. monsters, the...
Unknown at this time. To paraphrase what GW said in one of the recent previews "You'll notice that some things feel less powerful than before, but...
Carnosaur is much weaker than before, which honestly makes me really mad. Why, just why won't GW let Seraphon have their massive T-Rex dinosaur be...
Totally agree. If they didn't make certain spells too OP to be spammed or made it so that only those spells had restrictions it would make a lot...
Yeah, the rule of one stuff is annoying. Wish they'd drop it but some factions have super overpowered spells and when combined with wizards that...
So far I'm definitely not that excited about the preview for 4e. I honestly wasn't super-enthusiastic about the change from 2e to 3e, although 3e...
Agreed. I've always hated that some armies get their current edition book sooner and others have to wait till the end of the edition. It's not...