And we barely had a year with our new battletome, lol! What are people thinking of the leaks/rumors about 4e so far? And do you think GW will...
Oh man, that just reminded me about how annoyed I am that Lizardmen (and about half the other factions) aren't going to be playable in The Old...
I believe they are the same base size. You could definitely proxy them as Raptadon Chargers if you wanted an all-Saurus army. I'm thinking of...
Yeah, I was very interested in TOW but since they announced that it's only effectively going to have half the armies that Fantasy did and the New...
I would really like one, but at the same time it's unlikely they'll even be playable after the next GHB :( That said, an army of renown that...
[ATTACH] Here's what I came up with for Tehenahuin's model. Throw Curse on this guy and you could actually have a very useful addition to our army...
Yeah, I quickly saw that you can indeed make skink priests! And the foot Heroes are much less over costed then the mounted ones. I'm thinking I...
[ATTACH] Here's another one I came up with, basically a pure combat beatstick. Should do more damage and be more survivable than the standard...
Basically for nearly twice the cost you can get more or less an Oldblood on Carnosaur with no special command stuff but extra damage and mortal...
Yeah, there was quite a bit of talk and experimentation when it first came out in 2nd Edition, I think there's a different/updated version for 3e...
I've noticed people doing scummy things like this many times before. They hide "this is only the box" somewhere in the description so that people...
I do really like the box
This is what I'm thinking, a reinforced group of Chargers with an MSU group of Hunters around to buff them. I do really like the synergy between...
Just thought it would be fun to start a thread discussing the Anvil of Apotheosis for 3rd Edition and see if anyone's experimented with making a...
12mm dice are definitely my favorite, but I'm fine with 16mm as well. If we get some interest going I'd definitely be interested in a dice pledge...
To be fair I'm pretty excited about The Old World, but I'm expecting all the resin models to be overly expensive and I'm not looking forward to...
Stiltari looks pretty dumb imo. I'm liking the Brettonian stuff but sad that it appears that most of it will end up being resin and thus way too...
Honestly I have yet to try one. Even after the point drops it's still hard to fit everything I want into a Coalesces list. I really want to try...
Yeah, old Thunder Lizard was just that, a late-game army. You wouldn't rush forward to camp the objectives first turn, you would spend 1-2 turns...
Sounds pretty fun! Seraphon used to rely a lot on shooting in the older book, this could be a fun way to try to relive the old TL shooty days :)...