Honestly both Bastiladons seem decent. The Solar Engine is no longer a chaff-clearer, but as people have pointed out it's going to be very good at...
Yeah, ward saves have become super-common, and there are armies like Khorne and Lumineth that just shut down spellcasting altogether. It should...
So the new battletome does a lot of good things, but at least to me it seems to nerf our dino army lists, and Stegadons in particular, to the...
It's been a while! I haven't really been playing as much, other than going to a tournament at my LGS last year. The new Gallatian season of war...
I haven't had that much trouble with Kruleboyz to be honest. They're very, very swingy with their mortal wound mechanics. Either they roll lots of...
Most likely they're just trying to get rid of whatever they still have in stock. However, given that when new armies come out they often release...
Really? I thought GW was getting rid of those and going with core battalions only?
If that's the case then that's just stupid. *All* battalions do the exact same thing? What kind of nonsense is that? *Edit* The more I think of...
I found an announcement that apparently it doesn't go online in the US until later this afternoon...
Is the preorder box available? I can't find it anywhere
Yeah, that thing is weird. I'm wondering if they'll make more Incarnates like they implied when it came out...
I strongly believe that GW thinks endless spells were a mistake and wants to remove them entirely, but can't because they gave so many factions...
After reading through all the leaks, I'm hoping that our base allegiance abilities are still good. Being able to control all endless spells no...
Really exciting stuff so far. Spells and artifacts are good. Allegiance abilities are good, but kind of sad Scaly Skin is -1 damage still and not...
Each battletome comes with a lore section. It remains to be seen if they will advance or add to the lore at all. I hope they do. The Lizardmen are...
I'll definitely get this set. Not sure I'll be replacing all my Saurus Warriors, but having at least a few of the new ones will be nice. And I'm...
Well, I'll fully admit that I've not played enough competitively to call myself a competitive player, having only been to a couple small local...
I'm cautiously optimistic for our book, but GW has never been able to balance Seraphon well, so I would not be surprised to find out that all the...
I'll just say that with the highest winrate being 60% and the lowest being 44%, I do think that 3rd Edition is turning out to be better balanced...
[IMG] Just thought I'd throw this out here, in case people still think Seraphon are OP :P Of course that will probably change when the new...