I too have a lot of Saurus Knights. I'm wondering how it would look to have two of them on a larger base to run as Aggradons but flavor them as...
Yeah, this is what I'm worried about. Here's hoping that they advance the lore a bit and combine the two subfactions and make the teleporting a...
Chiming in late, but really I just have a couple main desires for the new battletome. 1. Better internal balance. Ever since AoS 1e came out,...
I'm really liking the new range so far. I'll almost certainly get the new release box when it comes out, although with me already having so many...
You wouldn't think so, but I can definitely imagine GW removing them. People hate how they are able to protect the Slann, and a lot of Seraphon...
They said this is everything new, so no more reveals. This means no new Razordons or Saurus Guard, unless they're hidden as alternate builds in...
New models are all looking awesome! But am I the only one who's concerned about the new Salamander weapon profile? One attack at 4+, and the...
That's cool! I'm not as well versed in 40k so I didn't know that those were FW models originally.
To the best of my knowledge, it was said in the 1st edition book that the Slann conjured all the Seraphon from their memories, but there was no...
I've said multiple times that I really wish GW would focus on balancing the armies against each other and internally rather than just changing...
I may just be getting tired but the seasons of war and constant meta shifting has kind of diminished my desire to play AoS this last year. I know...
Agreed. This has always been my issue with how much Vince and others go "Seraphon OP, pls nerf." And then basically talk about nerfing our buffs...
Yeah, as annoying as the imbalances and power creep are in AoS, they're still a lot worse in 40k. GW even had to make an apology video before...
Nice! One of my favorite genres! Star Wars (the whole original trilogy) Star Trek: First Contact Stargate War of the Worlds The Terminator Tron...
Tau got multiple nerfs, and then Armor of Contempt and other rules buffed other armies. GW certainly isn't balancing 40k well, but I feel like...
While this won't necessarily make the Windchargers overpowered, the constant Elf buffs are annoying. But really, this is how GW does things. 40k...
Alright! New category, new list! Predator Alien Event Horizon The Descent Pitch Black The Ring Tremors Jaws Army of Darkness Alien Vs....
I held off on Lord of the Rings because I assumed there would be a fantasy category later. Same with Star Wars because I figured Sci-Fi would be a...
I think a lot of people, myself included, were leaning towards Fyreslayers.
Very cool idea :) I'll come up with a list, although they're not in any particular order. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Indiana Jones and the...