I used to go to game stores somewhat regularly as I got into D&D at a pretty young age. I always saw the Warhammer minis for sale, and saw people...
I never got to play WHFB, but I was sad I missed out on it. I like AoS, but the constant updates and deliberate meta-shifting make it hard to keep...
Well, on the one hand new models are always appreciated. But on the other hand, a Warcry release probably means the other Seraphon rumors are part...
Didn't they declare this the "year of chaos" a while back? I may just be imagining it, but I could have sworn that was something said on Warhammer...
If we're getting just the one new model with our new battletome, I'd be willing to bet it's the Astrolith Bearer.
From what I understand this campaign is specifically fighting in tight quarters in underground tunnel networks. So I guess that's the narrative...
Yeah, almost sounds like they knew they were making an infantry-focused GHB while they were designing Nighthaunt ;) But I don't think this is...
Yeah. This is what people hated about Skinks in 1e, and seems like it's why GW decided to push the game *away* from hordes in the first place. I...
\ My thoughts exactly. Also, add onto that the fact that our hordes essentially "bracket" after taking a certain amount of damage, while the...
Yeah, overall not a big nerf. I still think Scaly Skin should be a ward save when our new book comes out, but not losing it entirely made sense as...
My feelings exactly. I'm not a big fan of the "seasons of war" concept. I'd rather them focus on actually balancing the game instead of just...
What the heck!? Another Lumineth book? I may be remembering wrong, but isn't that the third book for them in three years?
Am I the only one who doesn't like this intentional "change the core gameplay every six months" approach gw is taking? I know *why* they're doing...
Seems very powerful. Definitely in line with the rules GW likes to reveal, showing the stronger stuff to get people hyped for the new book. Also,...
Not a bad idea :P
Hey, welcome to the jungle! When first starting out, don't worry too much about Starborne vs. Coalesced. Just know that if you like big dinos,...
I just hope that Skaven are given the boost they need and the army is made less clunky in terms of what units you're allowed to include.
My brother with his Khorne army and I got to play a 3,000 point game over Memorial Day weekend. Here's the Khorne list. We waived battleline...
We still have a high winrate overall, but are no longer winning a lot of tournaments after the last few releases. 3e books have all been very...
Yeah, this is why we need a dual army approach rather than trying to treat Starborne and Coalesced as subfactions. Our units need different point...