Thanks! It's the Maneater Skull Naga from Artisan Guild, I believe. Saw it used as a Krondspine proxy on Caleb Hastings' channel and figured it...
Got a proxy for the Krondspine Incarnate painted up yesterday! While I don't really like the concept of it, my friends and I wanted to actually...
Sylvaneth base their entire army around Wyldwoods just about, so having them act like spell portals is pretty interesting. Hero phase moves and...
The Sylvaneth rules previews are starting to appear:...
@Erta Wanderer thanks for the clarification! I forgot it was wound rolls that were affected, not saves :p
I never played with strength and toughness, so I can't exactly say if I miss it or not, lol! But I will say that while I think it's nice not to...
I think it says you *can* set them up in reserve, not that you *have* to. So during setup you can choose to deploy the whole team on the board or...
I'm just wondering if anyone knows how terrain affects movement in AoS 3e? I know that's a very vague question, but so far I can't really find...
Good point. I guess I was thinking about "elite" meaning "not horde infantry," but I like that comparison better. Kind of like how they're...
Wow, that's really strong. Score another one for GW's "watertight rules." If they're so good and balanced, why do they keep needing to make...
I came up with a new list I wanted to try. I tested it out on TTS vs the same Ironjawz list that wrecked me in the tournament and I wiped them in...
I think this is one of the main contributing factors to why Seraphon hasn't been a very well internally balanced army so far. You have two armies...
Disclaimer: Almost all of these were bought from Ebay, many of them already painted. Ones with an asterisk are ones that I've actually painted....
Honestly, our summoning is terrible and not really even worth considering when it comes to actually playing the game. I hope they either revamp it...
I'm definitely thinking it's the typical "one new foot hero" that everyone's been getting with their new books. Most likely an updated Oldblood or...
Screaming Bell Warscroll. Looks like a pretty solid buff while keeping a little bit of the randomness Skaven are known for. Also, you have to be...
As far as the Gossamid Archers, I'm not thinking they're too powerful. They are expensive and fragile, and I think that mortal wounds are kind of...
Will probably make some comments on the current conversation when I'm not tired, but here's the warscroll for the Sylvaneth flying archers. Like...
Thanks! I'll definitely do another one for sure. The group that set up this event is going to be attempting to do them somewhat regularly, so I...
Yeah, I was hoping to play against something besides Orks, lol! But still, Seraphon are really versatile but don't have a "this is the best list"...