[MEDIA] [IMG] The Nine's portraits are done. I revamped all the major divine related article. It's all accessible via hyperlinks from the main...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] They are calling it canon. Is commentary really necessary? I thought Kathleen Kennedy was out of ways to desecrate the...
[MEDIA] [IMG] I guessed that "I'm sexy and I know it dog" key words would find something on Youtube and "Judge Dredd cat" would work on Google...
[IMG] It should be noted that the US has fewer break-ins per per capita than the UK. In the US, 13% of break-ins are home invasions and 87% are...
I wouldn't know, I never watched anything like that, just check my browser history, it'll back up my claim.
In 700 years, scholars and historians are going to posit theories on the meanings of all our silly memes. [MEDIA] Obviously Chuck Norris was some...
I think there was a little bit of an aspect of wokeness in that they wanted to destroy an icon that "toxic men" were flocking to, but I don't...
Is your dad Captain Caveman? Because that would be cool. [IMG]
Full context, this actually happened New Zealand's navy has moved from 6 to 5 vessels now.
Some moderator should sticky this....wait I'm some moderator!
BOOOOOOBBBBBBBBB!!!!!!!!!!! [IMG] EDIT: Maybe stretching out Bob isn't the best idea because it could be construed as "boob" I think he...
Actually this is quote I think applies to Nightbringer best, and I mean it complimentary. [MEDIA] I think you would really like the main villain...
This is my favorite fluff snippet from 40K. Arguably it breaks canon by making the Ogryn too smart. But it's got a good Forest Gump vibe. I...
I don't disagree with you so often just to be a contrarian, I disagree with you often because you are usually wrong. In fairness, I give you a...
Let the epic showdown begin! [IMG] [IMG]
After much thought, I decided I want always feeling rested, speaking every language, and tasting whatever I want. My two biggest daily struggles...
I did some gratuitous shark research for my fantasy writing. Greenland sharks have evolved to safely eat prey that is toxic to most predators and...