See, now I would caption this "When you move into your first apartment and you have to choose between buying a big screen TV or a bed..."
40K is how much money you spend if you collect Orks or Imperial Guard :D ...and I have both. :meh: I have been playing my Skaviir Dominion army...
This... explains a lot. I was wondering where all of the stolen pallets from work have been wandering off to. I mean, there's useful wood in a...
Well... it maybe CAN... but more than likely he'd wind up with a drider? [ATTACH]
Hopefully it doesn't turn into Discussion two: Argumentative Boogaloo... :D
Yes, Baby's First Tolkein stories.
Okay, I get that this is the Random Thread of Random Randomness, but all of this discussion about scoring and the Olympics is making it less...
For a million dollars, I'd watch Howard the Duck for 24 hours...
Still working on Orks.
....you're a little early on this, but only just. Avacado green was big in the early 70's, the goldenrod in the late 60s. My grandmother loved her...
Blend of Minecraft and Picasso :D
There isn't a like button big enough for this one.
....Johnny Cash's voice.
Still working on the Stompa. Titans have a lot of parts to them!
This looks awesome... and I do NOT have that kind of free time :D
Eh, I've been worse. Leg hurts. Hip hurts. Whole thing is wrapped in ace bandages that I'm not allowed to remove until Thursday. On the plus...
Wording is your issue. "No CAT on the table." You didn't pluralize it. That is clearly CATS on the table. :D
You don't exterminate emus, they kick your butt instead. ;)
What am I doing today, hobbywise? Nothing. My copy of Ravening Hordes arrived, but I spend most of the day in the hospital having surgery. I am...