This, is a Hex-Trak tile. [ATTACH] This is a Hex-Trak tile with 1" of foam board on it... [ATTACH] What are they for? N/HOn30/HOe/On18 model...
True... ironically, playing 2nd edition AD&D prepared me for learning Algebra with negative numbers and all...
Capitol Imperalis/Comand Leviathan! NICE! Always thought that it would be a cool build, especially if it was designed to also be an army transport...
More like OVERcompensator class... :D
Yeah, I suspect the sound is a little ruff. :D
Yeah, especially since the reverse is more true - Warhammer predates Starcraft by more than a decade...
It does, but that's classic WFB for you, especially where Bretonnia is concerned.
12/10, would give snausage to.
11/10 - not good surface for the mouse, but the dog looks like it is loving the head massage! :D
My goodness, these Lego sets get more realistic every year!
oooo, that's a nice one! 12/10, would try to defend!
My wife also does this...
That is a big ship... if this was the Brikwars forum or Discord, the first question would be "how many studs' worth of guns did you give it so we...
That is a LOT of fondant, but wow, what a result!
I do miss my Dogs of War army.
I resemble this remark to this day...
D'awwwwwwwwwwww 12/10, would give treats to
Do like me some Assyrians...
... That is a game show now? I wonder how the placement brackets work. My wife hit some black ice this morning and almost slid into the path of a...