Wouldn't that just be Mar-ine? And Luig-ine?
Okay... to which I reply, "it can be done well and in limited amounts works very well... mind you, a good script without forced humor helps....
10/10, would defend against the Empire... except for Nuln, pretty sure Great Cannons could reach that far...
You know... I could see this actually being a thing in the 40K universe. "Now, as you know, we Krieg soldiers have no fear of death, so let us...
Perhaps, but it was going to happen sooner or later.
This joke is both awesome and terrible at the same time. Excellent wordplay. Bravo.
Laurel and Hardy is an under-rated show these days. I'm not hitting 50 for a few years yet, but they were in reruns on at least two channels when...
...my father passed away 11 years ago, and when I saw this I instantly thought of him. That is a little more butter than he used to put on his...
if that isn't proof of erosion in action, I don't know what is
Today we were doing bridge drift. Despite snowing all day, the roads were all fine, EXCEPT for on the bridges, where traffic ground to a near-halt...
I'm not picky, pretty much all of the above, but NOT truffle. I don't like truffles. Swap that for Poutine or Crispy Crowns.
"People who like people are the best kind of people." - Groucho Marx
... ........ No. No, nope, nada, no way, never, nunca, nyet, nein, and any other way to say it you can think of. I am NOT climbing those stairs.
Okay, good, I did guess right that he's Groucho :)
Dat tower in the middle-left...
This might be more awesome than castles...
You'll not hear me complaining. Castles are awesome.
Okay, I'm beginning to think that people are trying to cater to my liking of castles now. Not COMPLAINING, mind you, just a thought. :D
Beautiful, but I would not want to be their gardener :D