Exactly what I was thinking. Should be a gate guard, charging through goblin town while the protagonist and her friends try to dodge.
[ATTACH] Malcador for the Skaviir Dominion. There's a nice kit for Horus Heresy, and I've wanted a model of this since Forge World put out their...
I'm currently painting it (slowly). Put the base coat on it a few days ago, want to try to finish it this weekend along with at least one of my...
Actually haven't seen them, and honestly, I don't think I care? I have my own take on squeakies in 40K, and i've been working on them since the...
Yes, but for a while I was using them as Saurus Knights in my all-skink army back in AoS 2nd edition (and might use them as Raptadons in current)....
https://www.lustria-online.com/threads/tkyapyks-modeling-attempts-scratchbashers-beware.22996/ Along with some of my Grot Tanks and other...
Ok, this is an interesting build, but I'm a little worried the dog inside is being punished, and that feels very cruel...
Did someone say Tichi-Huichi??? 5th edition Skink Cold One Cavalry still rocks, 20 years later. [ATTACH]
Wow... I've got the Malcador, 3 Leman Russes (Vanquisher/Normal [because you can swap the barrels easily], Demolisher, and Exterminator), 2...
10/10 would adopt the laughing puppies.
All cats have some dragon in them. Winslow hoards cat toys. He gathers them up, and then he SLEEPS on them. ALL of them.
......yeah, this sounds right.
[ATTACH] But yeah, these tread section sub-assemblies? 19 parts each.
YES! Yes they did! It is a very nice kit, though many many build steps were involved. Each tread section and frame is 19 parts, for example. Yes,...
[ATTACH] Malcador for my spess rats! I need to cover it liberally with skaven shield bosses before priming...
In theory? I would run in terror knowing that I was in the 40K universe. Probably Emp's, as it would be the least likely to kill me and my soul in...
Doesn't matter, I'm allergic and can't try any of them.
See, now this is proof that you can add art to anything...
...... I have seen worse, but that one is pretty memorable.
........that isn't the safest idea, given that there is live wiring in there somewhere, plus that water looks gross, but... I have heard/seen...