First game of 6th Edition for a while, saw me playing a regular oppo at my gaming club. This time he brought Empire. My list was Old Blood, Cold...
I often play a chap at our club at 6th edition, and he often uses Undead. Apart from one early victory, he's always had the beating of me and my...
That I'm not sure about. Locally it appears to be mainly 6th, and to be honest, I think I prefer it!
@airjamy thanks. The town of Shepperton, in the county of Middlesex, in the far off land of Blighty! If you're ever in the UK, we meet on Monday...
Played it once, lost against VC. Needs a bit of tweaking. Probably drop on stet for some sallies. Also want to have some terradons, so need to...
I don't have the 6th ed army book with me (currently at work) but I've always understood it that the spears replaced the hand weapon. Happy to be...
@Warden thanks. Really enjoyed it. Played three really good people. I didn't mention magic. Three games. I got Urannons Thunderbolt (no armour...
@Warden the rest of the game itself was still enjoyable - As it was a real challenge to try and get something out of it. Kind of like fighting a...
On Saturday my local club in UK hosted a 6th WHFB Competition. 18 players turned up. 3 games. We played Meeting Engagement, Capture and Pitched...
@Warden as just mentioned, something of a resurgence for 6th edition, at least locally. One of the guys that runs my local club has been to a...
There is something of a resurgence of 6th edition. I must confess, I'd never played it until recently. I played at the very end of 7th and 8th....
OK, my club is running a 6th Age Tournament on 12/10, and I'm taking the cold bloods. I'm hoping not to embarrass myself in terms of game play...
Not so much a batrep more, a breakdown of what happened on Turn 1. I had the +1 to see who goes first. Still lose that roll. OnG choose to go...
Its been a while since I played 8th, so I'm going from memory here. Personally I always preferred High Magic and Lore Master, you can always swap...
Played a game against last Monday. Only second time playing my oppo, first game had been an utter blood bath, hugely enjoyable, with an eventual...
Over the weekend I played my son, who was using his Dark Elves. My list was an Oldblood on cold one with bits and bobs (0+ A/S and 4++ to Str 5 or...
@Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl you could well be right about the war machines. I'm due to do my first ever Warhammer tournament in October (using 6th...
The strange thing is its taken me all this time to work this out. I've played games with and without plans and this has been the general feeling...
Despite being a member of perhaps an older generation (I'm over 50) I still make silly mistakes in games, but the game itself is just that, a...
@blueslevin yes I have played the game, and ended up as a minor victory for the skaven. Fun part was killing 6 to 8 guns of some sort sat on a...