Yesterday I played the same Empire player I’d played (and beaten) a few weeks ago (and lost to when he used his Undead more recently). I won’t...
@Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl you are spot on with both those comments re dinos and saurus against the Skaven. I'm not yet in double figures for...
6th or 7th game of 6th edition, against the TK player from a couple of games ago. However he was using his favourites, the skaven, which I know...
I didn't take the dinos against the skaven (probably should have done!)
yeah, I took terror / fear inducing beasties, only to face an army immune to psychology. Oh well, on with the game. His list had lots of chaff,...
Next up Skaven. Against the same player I beat when he was using Tomb Kings - I know that Skaven are a lot stronger, and this is his favourite...
Welcome and as everyone else has said, those look great. Would love to see some dice with those sort of motifs on them.
I have done, although turn based, not a story.
@Scalenex yes, it went well, although my oppo didn't make me take 2 x 2nd Sign spells. Is that wrong in 6th edition? A short story based on my...
OK, so I'm hardly an expert having played a grand total of four games of sixth, but really enjoying the lizardmen. Something I never got to do in...
Lovely place Aberdeen and the north east of Scotland. Good luck with the painting! I have a deadline of early October as I’m booked to do my first...
Until wee Nicola Crankie, sorry Sturgeon, gets her way, your still British lol! (My mother was Scottish (Orcadian to be exact) and I love the...
Welcome to another Brit! I've never played AoS, but played a bit of 8th. My club have, however, reverted to 6th edition WHFB, and I must say, I'm...
AKA I finally did it! Played my game against a very good player using Tomb Kings. Played him a few times over the years, but never managed to...
Tonight I face a very good player who will be using Tomb Kings. It will be my fourth ever game of sixth edition! In my last game I went combat...
So, having lost to MSU Wood Elves in my first game of 6th edition, then beating Vampire Counts and Empire, I am facing Tomb Kings on Monday night....
My third ever game of 6th. My army is on a different post in the army lists section. My oppo had the following (apologies for not being precise,...
Third ever game of 6th edition due on Monday hopefully. Points value increased a little to 2000. While I could get a slann with this, I've decided...
@Warden thanks. Still working on them! The spikes on the shields are now bronze/gold in colour. Will probably do the weapons the same colour....
For my second ever game of 6th I lined up against a Vampire Counts player. Again it was 1500 points, gven we were both very inexperienced at the...