Total noob here (just 1 game of 6th under my belt) but maybe drop the Krox if you're looking for extra points? That said, in the game I've had, at...
Well I played the game last night, against Wood Elves, but I suspect not a really competitive list – There were no walking trees/shrubbery for a...
Nicely done - That Turn 2(?) where the elves failed the rerollable break test, and got run down....
@Peryuri Hi! I played a bit of 7th and 8th, but never 6th. First game tonight. "Gulp!" Tonight is 1500pts but hoping to get a game at 2000pts in...
@Just A Skink no apology needed! Yeah another wash or highlight I think.
@Just A Skink thanks. Sorry you ninjad my reply! Pic is not great but they have had a wash with a brown. Maybe do so again?
@Sreeves i have done a brown wash in them, but the pic is not great. I hadn’t thought of highlighting, but that sounds like a great idea. (I’m not...
With my local group getting into 6th edition WHFB, I’ve gone back to my beloved lizards. When the group dropped Fantasy when AoS started, I had...
@Qupakoco in 6th, (reading from the army book) salamander shooting is 15" range, roll an artillery dice for each salamander. That's the number of...
Likely Wood Elves or possibly Skaven.
On 18th, I have my first ever game of 6th edition against a very good player. Not holding out much hope of beating him, as this is more of a...
I have a game of 6th edition coming up, only small at 1500 points and no Lords allowed (only heroes). While our magic will be restricted to...
My local club is going back to WFB 6th Edition, and I am likely to play Wood Elves soon and wondered if any one had their 'go to' units in 6th....
Thanks chaps. Was looking at the Lizardman army book over the weekend. Had a quick glance at the rule book too and I see what you mean about...
Some of my local gaming group appear to have reverted to 6th, which passed me by. I've sourced the rule book, and saw a link in another thread to...
@ASSASSIN_NR_1 thanks for the comments. Food for thought. Like the idea of EotG Ancient Steg. In an earlier version I did have two skink priests...
@NIGHTBRINGER it was in my mind too. I have used them to good effect previously, but felt that the stand and shoot could be useful when receiving...
If possible could someone put a pic up of the 6th and 7th edition rule books and Lizardmen army books please? Not sure which versions I have at...
I've always used them in units of 10 - Primarily because my movement bases are that size! I know they're very useful, but they are also our chaff...
My son (18) has surprised me by wanting a game of WHFB, probably brought on by playing Warhammer Total War! Not having got the lizardmen off the...