@Itepixcauh ha ha no worries. I tend to like trying odd/weaker things, so might keep him in for a little while - If he survives another game, or...
@Itepixcauh I picked up on the lack of Inspiring and changed the list, bringing in a Herald (old skink priest) and Clan Lord on cold one. We...
@Itepixcauh thanks for the advice. First time drawing up a list for KoW, so don't know whats good bad or indifferent. Just going on where I felt...
I've had the v2 rules and Uncharted Empires for a while, but finally have a chance to play! A friend is taking dwarves, while I am taking our...
@Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl yes. I managed it against a very experienced Skaven player a few years ago. It takes some doing, but it is possible. As...
For the Scar Vet, have a look at the Tactica (sorry can't do a link). On the basis you don't have any cav in your list, I'd recommend the Armour...
No worries. I assumed you'd meant that it had to be a 'normal' slann (so a giant spell casting toad is normal?) but thought it best to clarify in...
Would have to be a normal slann wouldn't it? IIRC ethereal slann can't join a unit.
High Magic seconded here. While I've not played 8th in a while, this was almost always my choice for the slann. Pretty decent spells in there...
My son plays Dark Elves and they are horrible for us (or at least I found them so most of the time. Hit first, get re-rolls and other...
Personally, and despite that fact that I love saurus warriors, I'd take fewer saurus in the core tax and boost the TG. I think I've read on this...
It's bit cheesey but if you can rail road the doomwheel with a unit of skinks it is worth while and could make it almost ineffective. I think...
flyers can be very good against war machines, although I've never faced a proper gun line previously. Certainly against a lone or duo doom diver...
@Kamus good luck. If the carnosaur works, it is glorious. Tell us how you get on.
Its a long time since I last played 8th, but my tweaks to this would be as follows: 1 bigger block of reduced saurus, say 30ish. Have at least one...
@Lawot thanks for the offer, but as I live across the body of water you call "The Pond" that might be both a bit difficult and a bit expensive...
@Lawot thanks for the detail. Really helpful. Managed to print the army book, rules and magic (this morning!) Looking forward to try a few games...
Anything and everything!!! LOL To be honest I don't know. What changes have been made to our beloved cold bloods, rules etc Been a long time since...
Unfortunately my cold bloods have been boxed up for some time now, but their influence is growing on my psyche (must be the machinations of my...
@n810 oh yes. He's going to stay well away from them!