very. skinks only get involved in war when things are going very very badly. they do man the big dinosaurs and they help with scouting but you...
sorry i haven't been paying attention. what's going on?
this kind of describes the entirety of the SCE book. din't take them long to start undoing their "water tight rules"
welp more stupid from the world of comics... [MEDIA] actual topic starts at 2:45
if you want to go all out defense then pull in a war mage for phas protection or a frost heart. stacking negatives is remarkably strong.
then don't use them as Ob grabbers i have never implied that's their roll. or 2 hordes or even 3 for that matter 2 20 man units and a 30 would...
remember i don't need warriors to be the best thing in the book, i need them to be good enough. i need them to be good enough that a new player...
but they don't have to be run in MSU they just aren't useless in them any more. warriors have always and will always be best in blocks they are...
guys it's not hard to fix warriors. make the horde bonus innate(since 3rd murdered large units) and give them +1 to hit with clubs/spears, slap a...
warriors are currently a rather tanky unit and we don't take them like at all. making them MORE tanky (a thing they already do well) and therefor...
thats exactly what you said "Might not be what they need, but it's what they deserve" you want them to have it even if it wouldn't help and would...
i think you're misunderstanding something. they don't have to be the best thing in the book, that isn't what we are asking for. they do need to be...
her kids would become the Sensei. the primarchs where made by the emperor they aren't his literal children.
good lord do i hate this meme format. that's not how relationships work! they do take effort and any one who says differently is either self...
mmmm karma.
Put me down as a knight.
so you want to pay more for something the unit doesn't need making them less viable in order to make things more lore friendly? regardless guard...
i keep saying this but a extra wound isn't what warriors need. they are already decent tanks their problem is everything else.
they have been promising to do that since the begining
it does look great. and our dinosaurs are a bunch of diferent colours so they don't have to match if you have any more questions be sure to ask.