uuuh no we do it to. stop making clames about us you keep getting them wrong. you thinking something is unfair does not make it unfair. i have had...
just let us know if you have any other questions. we are always happy to help
that describes all players not just competitive ones people who tell you they don't care about winning are lying to you just like every game being...
well if you want a easy list you can run monster mash. 4 stegs a eotg a bastiladon 2 priests and a slann
i don't really agree with this sentiment. slaanesh is bad for a few reasons hitting each other at once the book when it came out was fine. not...
they aren't useless your points are just better spent elseware no no one is saying that. monsters where terrible in 2nd edition. it wasn't a...
they did not. GW is often silly
i think the idea is that we have people who can make even the very very bad stuff in our books work and so GW will over corect.
rend one is fine but we don't have access to good rend one attacks. phoenix guard are rend one and they would SHREAD this list.
it is but most competitive players don't run stormkeep. it's not the meta way to run SCE.
and there in lies the problem your tolerance levels are just very very small in comparison to others. just because you don't like it doesn't make...
why? you keep saying it is but you have yet to demonstrate this. yes this game is very complicated with a lot of moving parts you are going to run...
go for a 3-2 and you should be fine with this list. love how you decided to bring krox
cool then there isn't a problem. the same as any good unit as established by you in your last paragraph just one and again not becouse of god...
except most 300+ are as old as AoS and are fine. and even proper "god models" are either fine or really bad and a detriment to your army. even...
you need a priest for the +1
wow that is not a good stormcast list ooph thats tuff. you really need to hold onto a CP for battle shock when you run coalesced. not surprised...
it's not a serious comparison you doof! it was both a good job keep going and a joke in one. Lord this is dumb
no i didn't read it again. my statement only says 64ish thousand until you overtake all of AoS it's a keep going type thing no you didn't you put...
i wasn't making the clame that fantasy wasn't big just that the sub YOU linked still had a long way to go. calm down bud