has to be a skink wizard. doesn't work with saurus.
our army is all about synergy between units this would still represent that while being completely internal so the game changing around us...
in what way? it already works well i just mean to expand it while dropping the part that makes it frustrating.
is it though? you just have to remove the wholly part. i almost always have a 10 man screen near my blocks and it would give your opponent a good...
yes have it so that if a skink unit is within oh 8" saurus get +1 to hit or something same for skinks, dinos give every one +2 bravery. but heroes...
hmmm what if we had key word buffs that work like the kroxigor but skinks buff saurus and saurus buff skinks?
i have a sinking feeling we are going to keep cold blooded and primeval domain and thats it. i would like to see them rework scaly skin as a...
eh not really. the only people who benefit from it would be saurus and they are the weaker side of the book. that and exploding 6s isn't all that...
hmmm. no still to expensive but he has a roll now.
more in the 290-320 range depending on how GW feels that day.
i mean i always bring wound count up(see my knights comparison). it just doesn't have a lot of veriance to it so it takes up 1 line our of a...
no thats better then our current one. still worse then most.
this would help/ our monster decline remarkably badly
my point is they are underwhelming(and definitely up for debate on bad) because they are swingy. what is the carnasuars job? i honestly don't...
i think it's a bit of both. the carno is definitely our second weakest monster and it still has a habit of whiffing most of it's attacks. that...
i think this is what they mean when they say specialized @Putzfrau [IMG] this would be a specialized anti horde attack. with the carnasuar you...
not an argument a debate with full on competition rules. statement question rebuttal.
hmmm . would you all be interested if i host a debate on the subject? we would get canas and kilvakar on one side and putz and one more of his...
in a meta like that theres a lot of value to being 6 drop. you would beat out all the 12s and get more perks then 1s.
But it's Tuesday...