it's strange. it was a great show but Disney hasn't tried to do anything with it. they are remaking everything else from the Disney afternoon but...
there is a very big difference between nitpicking and fundamentally flawed. there are plot holes in the 3rd movie that you could drive pod racers...
animated hobbit move bud. the one from 77 not the hobbit trilogy. not very as tis the critic score and we all know how... biased they are. try it...
well yeah it has made more money at the cost of internal consistency. it also means you have things like the Christmas movie. animated return of...
eh one does not need anger to disagree or even to fight. do sith gain power from joy? regardless my fan base has lasted longer then yours, has...
SO BE IT. also don't quote Théoden while dissing him. tis bad form
well yeah. our monsters warscrolls are BAD, only saved by 3rd editions monster focus and how dirt cheep they are(some of them.) i can't see us...
if you charge the opponent that gives him 1 more turn to hit you then he would have if you waited until he charges you while shooting him.
out of the depths he comes. a ancient evil this world can no longer contain with but one thing on his lips. "that's a grudging"
as far as i can tell he takes up all 3 as far as list building goes but is either a leader or a artillery (players choice) when it comes to...
good news, skinks are good! always go shields we have had several people try to run clubs but it just gives your opponent additional combat turns...
be aware you can only take HotH once
love this series. so exited for door of stone this year....finally... maybe.
thats a interesting question but im afraid it doesn't have an easy answer. long story short, it depends. long story long there are different...
meme for the win!
it is not you've got it right. redeploy only applies after a normal move so not when your opponent deep strikes or teleports.
i think this would be countered by how often GW does timed events. it's hard to wait for sails if they sell out quickly or are gone before you can...
the orks where introduced to a new invention... forks.
well for one you don't have any of our damage dealers with you. and much as i hate to say it warriors aren't good at the moment. (cries in 90...