well @#$% [MEDIA]
on top of that it just looks really really bad/cheap. the wooden breastplate looks like foam board. why is the "dwarf" wearing a muslin night gown...
welp R.I.P lord of the rings the rings of power. we have an elf [IMG] a Dwarf Queen [IMG] Isulduers sister [IMG] Elrond and Galadriel (to be...
and then you loose... badly
in order yes he was ok 3 some times 2. him being off the table for some of the most critical turns of the game hurts but coming in early gimps him...
for a 1 damage attack they are indistinguishable. for the scar vet . 6s to hit give you a second hit a one in 6 chance a increase of 16.7%, for...
sunblood is a trap. his buff only works on the warriors but no longer stacks with anything else. it ends up being the same as the scar vet you...
that said 3 salamanders 420 points so 35 point difference switch hitting unbuffed still hit waaay harder. 13-24 on a 4+ save and 15-27 in...
fair enough. just remember that razerdons can't buff themselves like the other units mentioned and are by far the most CP hungry unit we have....
whats the damage spread? what buffs are you using? how much of that is melee/range? are you cutting range damage in half due to only getting to...
they do get rend as it's within 6" 45% chance to do 0 damage to a 4+ save 36% chance to do 1 14% chance to do 2 5%chance to do more. it wasn't...
no but the stegadon does. therefor buffing the krox by being nearby. it's a 9" aura at full health on a 16" move very durable flyer i don't know...
2x3 units of kroxigor can run alongside your Eotgs to act as body guards and they get buffed by it since skink and it can heal them fairly well....
life swarm gets a lot of attention. healing 2d3-2d6 is very good and you normally want to dispel it yourself so you don't care if your opponent...
oh definitely the meat.
a bit of dwarf yes. a bit of human a bit of ogres a bit of beastmen (suprisingly) and a lot of lizerdmen.
i am in the picture... i don't particularly mind
no. unless your slann is inside the realm shaper you do not have to worry about it for summoning placement just how close they are to the...
and at the very least post both of them [IMG] if not the whole series